At the General Conference, held in May 2024, delegates approved four proposed amendments to change the United Methodist Constitution. These unique pieces of legislation only become an official part of our UMC Constitution once they are ratified by a “two-thirds affirmative vote of the aggregate of members to the annual conferences. (¶ 59, BOD 2020/2024).” In other words, after two-thirds of all the eligible voting members of annual conferences around the world approve the measure; each single yes and no vote will be tallied. Each vote received matters and approval or failure of the vote may be determined by just a few votes. Learn why. At this year’s Michigan Annual Conference, we will vote on these amendments. The amendments can be debated but can not be modified, this is a simple YES or NO vote. The results of our and other Annual Conferences’ votes will not be shared publicly in order to protect the integrity of the worldwide voting process. The results will be announced November 7, 2025 by the Council of Bishops. Here are all the amendments in their entirety followed by summaries of the four amendments below. Read the FAQ.
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Ballot #1
A set of amendments to create new regional conferences that will each have equal power to adapt portions of the Book of Discipline within their prospective regions. The United States would become its own Regional Conference, allowing it to make decisions that specifically address outreach and ministry needs within the U.S. context.
This proposal has the support of the General Conference, the Council of Bishops, the Michigan Conference General Conference Delegation, the Connectional Table and others.
Learn more about this proposal
Worldwide Regionalization represents an organizational vision designed to enhance adaptive evangelism, emphasize our denomination’s worldwide nature, and strengthen our connection by prioritizing our mission and ministry. It was overwhelmingly approved by delegates from around the world at General Conference 2024 and now awaits ratification by our Annual Conferences.
Because the General Conference bundled all of the constitutional amendments related to regionalization and took one vote, Annual Conferences will vote on the regionalization amendments in one ballot.
These resources are helpful in understanding this proposal:
READ: A FAQ’s about regionalization. You can also read and download an information sheet in these languages:
WATCH: Worldwide Regionalization & Ratification Webinar
ASK: After you have read and watched the presentations if you still have a question about regionalization you can submit it to [email protected]

Ballot #2
Updating Paragraph 4 Article 4
An amendment to add the words “gender” and “ability” to Paragraph 4, Article 4 of the constitution to categories that cannot be used to exclude membership in The United Methodist Church..
This proposal has the support of the General Conference, the Council of Bishops, the Michigan Conference General Conference Delegation, and others.
Learn more about this proposal
The amended portion of the Constitution adds the words ability and gender to existing social categories that clergy in The United Methodist Church cannot use to discriminate against a potential member.
These resources are helpful in understanding this proposal:
READ: Read about this change and it’s importance CLICK HERE
ASK: After you have read and watched the presentations if you still have a question about regionalization you can ask submit it to [email protected]

Ballot #3
Updating Article V: Racial Justice
An amendment to strengthen Article V of the UMC Constitution by explicitly recognizing the church’s role in combating racism, racial inequity, colonialism, white privilege, and white supremacy.
This proposal has the support of the General Conference, the Council of Bishops, the Michigan Conference General Conference Delegation, and others.
Learn more about this proposal
Article V of the Book of Discipline serves as a pivotal framework for the United Methodist Church’s commitment to addressing and eliminating racism in all its forms. Recent proposed changes to Article V, at the postponed 2020/2024 General Conference session in April/May 2024, have strengthened this commitment by explicitly recognizing the church’s role in combating racism, racial inequity, colonialism, white privilege, and white supremacy both within the denomination and in broader society. These changes reflect a critical shift in the church’s acknowledgment of and response to deeply entrenched racial injustice
These resources are helpful in understanding this proposal:
READ: Read about this change with details of this amendment CLICK HERE
GCORR, Article V Overview & Significance
ASK: After you have read and watched the presentations if you still have a question about this proposal you can submit it to [email protected]

Ballot #4
Educational requirements for clergy
General Conference voted to amend Section VI, Article IV of the United Methodist Constitution, which establishes the educational requirements for clergy members of annual or provisional conferences who are eligible to vote for clergy delegates to the General Conference.
This proposal has the support of the General Conference, the Council of Bishops, the Michigan Conference General Conference Delegation, and others.
Learn more about this proposal
Previously, the paragraph Section VI, Article IV required a clergy delegate to have completed a “course of study or an M. Div. degree…” It now states: “course of study or Master of Divinity from a University Senate approved theological school or its equivalent as recognized in a Central Conference…”
This amendment ensures that those voting for clergy delegates have met the denominational standards for theological education. It does not expand or restrict voting access for licensed local pastors . Instead, it clarifies the meaning of an Master of Divinity degree and specifies qualifying theological schools and their equivalents.
These resources are helpful in understanding this proposal:
READ : Read about this change and watch a video on the details of this amendment CLICK HERE
ASK: After you have read and watched the presentations if you still have a question about this proposal you can submit it to [email protected]